
Hey Guys!!

As you can see from the title I am talking to you about vlogging, whether that be daily vlogging or weekly vlogging. We are now at a time where a lot of people get their ‘entertainment’ from Youtube, me included. I am forever watching vloggers on Youtube, especially during vlogtober and vlogmas.


I actually prefer getting my reality fix from Youtube, my favourites are SacconeJolys, PointlessBlog, Zoella, ThatcherJoe, Casey Neistat, Velvetghost, Sunbeams Jess, OkBaby, The Youngs and Rhiannon Ashley. Now I have wrote them down I didn’t realise I watched that many!! There are also a whole lot more that I watch but if I list them all we will be here forever!! Now these are all slightly differently vloggers, some daily vlog, some are weekly and others just post vlogs whenever.

I love vlogging that much I actually dipped my toe in, in the past, and have now resumed daily vlogging myself. I love the idea of filming moments and having them to look back on, whether its an amazing day out, a holiday or some other milestone. What my favourite part of vlogging and watching vlogs is the normalcy behind it all, it is just someone’s everyday life, putting the washing away and general housekeeping.


I hope this is what I portray through my vlogs, just general everyday life, yes sometimes I do some exciting things but 9 times out of 10 I’m usually doing housework, blog admin, vlog admin or just chilling right out. If you do like vlogs you can catch my vlogs at Planet Vikki, I upload everyday at 5pm. Vlogging is definitely becoming more and more popular and I kind of hope that more people do start vlogging, not just for me to be nosey and watch but because you enjoy it to!!

What are your thoughts on Vlogging?

Also if you have a channel leave a link in the comments and I will check it out!

See You Soon!!

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